Identity Alchemy

Imagine it’s only a few months from now: the sun is warm on your skin, your favorite drink in hand, and you’re watching your dreams unfold right in front of you. The concerns you had a couple months ago aren't even relevant. You've never been more excited for what's ahead. Every step you've taken has brought you here—feeling deeply aligned, unapologetically confident, and radiating a power that’s reshaping every part of your life.

This program isn’t just about transformation. It’s about stepping into your most magnetic self, dissolving every limit that’s held you back, and creating the life you know you’re meant to live.

Identity Alchemy isn't so much of a course as it is a transformative experience - you receive, you integrate, you move.

What You'll Get:

  • 12 weeks + 2 bonus modules of experiential videos and audios designed for you to change on the spot while changing more over time 

  • Skills to Dissolve Subconscious, Karmic, Ancestral Blocks

  • Immediate Tools for Soul-Level Change and Rapid Evolution

This is for you if: You’re done with imposter syndrome, hiding your gifts, or playing small. This is for the leader ready to be seen, to step fully into her destiny, and to create her reality without compromise.


  • You are curious, open-minded, and a little excited

  • You are willing to get uncomfortable and move through sometimes challenging feelings or situations

  • You have nervous regulation tools and skills and you know how to use them (some resources are provided, but this is not a program for beginners)

  • You are beyond ready to change

  • You are self-led and an action taker

  • You take responsibility and ownership for your life

  • You are willing to see things differently


Say yes to Alchemy. Say yes to you.
When you click "Complete My Purchase," you begin the journey that will change everything.

Note: This investment has a 3-day "love it or leave it" policy - if you don't love it and send an email asking for a refund within 3 days, you get it, no questions asked. After 3 days, it is non-refundable, reflecting your commitment to yourself, your growth, and this transformation.

Note that this is not a medical or psychological treatment and that on occasion a healing or "detox" reaction occur 24-48 hours after energy work. By completing purchase, you acknowledge and take responsibility for your time, commitment, and well-being.


Save with a single payment. Klarna is available in the US.
Need a payment plan? Email for options

$5,000.00 USD

User Agreement for River Ayla's coaching, referred to in this document as Infinite Liminal Space.






SECTION 1: Program Fees

1.1 Programs: Under the terms of this Agreement,Infinite Liminal Space agrees to provide coaching services to YOU in the form of personal coaching (“Program(s)”) in exchange for a Program Fee. Program Fees will be determined according to paragraph 1.2. below. Your access to such Programs is made conditional on payment of such Program Fee.

1.1.2 Term: The Term of this Agreement will commence upon your acceptance of this Agreement and payment of the applicable Program Fee. You agree and understand that upon commencement of the Term of this Agreement, you will become enrolled in this service from Infinite Liminal Space.

1.2 Program Fees: By accepting the terms of this Agreement, you agree and understand that you are committing to pay Infinite Liminal Space the agreed-upon fee for the service.

1.3 No Refunds: By accepting the terms of this Agreement, you agree and understand that you are foregoing the right to claim any refund of fees paid for the Program(s) offered by Infinite Liminal Space. You further acknowledge that in accepting the terms of this Agreement and affirmatively seeking the benefits of and membership in such Program(s), you take responsibility for your own actions and your own success.


2.1 Success not Guaranteed: By accepting the terms of this Agreement, you agree and understand that Infinite Liminal Space provides Program(s) guarantees no specific results.

2.2 Limited Liability: In no event will Infinite Liminal Space be liable to you or any party related to you for any damages, whether under a theory of contract, warranty, tort (including negligence) products liability or otherwise. You affirm that you are not seeking medical advice. You understand that this work does not include the practice of medicine or therapy and does not provide diagnosis or prescribe pharmaceuticals and/or treatment of any physical condition and/or mental disorder. You understand that you should see a medical doctor and/or mental health professional for any physical or mental disorders you may have. You understand that the use of any information without a doctor’s approval is prescribing for yourself. You understand that “healing reactions” may occur between 24-48 hours following a session. If facing a medical or mental health emergency, you will call 911. You agree to hold Infinite Liminal Space and any associates free from any liability.

SECTION 3: Confidentiality

3.1 Confidentiality: Only authorized users, who have duly attained access to any Programs offered by Infinite Liminal Space by personally agreeing to the terms of this Agreement are permitted use and participate with such Programs. Except as expressly authorized by this Agreement, YOU shall not provide or make available any Documentation, Video, Audio, or any login credentials to any third party, or use the Documentation, Video, Audio, or any login member credentials to teach any third party, or otherwise disclose or discuss information revealed in any portion of the Program(s) for any purpose other than exercising rights expressly granted to you by this Agreement. 

3.2 Intellectual Property: you acknowledge that any Audio and/or Visual Presentations, Documentation, and other elements of the System are the sole Intellectual Property of Infinite Liminal Space under United States copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws and international treaties. you further acknowledge and agree that, as between you and Infinite Liminal SpaceInfinite Liminal Space and its third party licensors own and shall continue to own all right, title, and interest in and to the Audio and/or Visual Presentations, Documentation, and other elements, including associated intellectual property rights under copyright, trade secret, patent, or trademark laws. Except for the limited, revocable license expressly granted to you herein, this Agreement does not grant you any ownership or other right or interest in or to the Audio and/or Visual Presentations, Documentation, and other elements of the System, or any other intellectual property rights of Infinite Liminal Space, whether by implication, estoppel, or otherwise. Any and all trademarks or service marks that Infinite Liminal Space uses in connection with services rendered by Infinite Liminal Space are marks owned by Infinite Liminal Space. This Agreement does not grant you any right, license, or interest in such marks, and you shall not assert any right, license, or interest in such marks or any words or designs that are confusingly similar to such marks.

SECTION 4: Miscellaneous

4.1 Non transferability: The rights and obligations under this Agreement are personal to you. You may not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement.

4.2 Indemnification: you will, at your own expense, defend, indemnify, and hold Infinite Liminal Space, its agents, River Ayla, and employees harmless from any and all claims, actions, liabilities, injuries, damages, losses, grants, costs, and expenses, including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with any use of the Program(s) of this Agreement.

4.3. Integration: This Agreement, along with any additional terms or policies incorporated herein by reference, represents the entire Agreement between you and Infinite Liminal Space concerning the Program, and this Agreement supersedes and replaces any prior proposal, representation, or understanding you may have had with Infinite Liminal Space relating to the Program, whether oral or written.

4.4. Amendment: Infinite Liminal Space reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to amend this Agreement from time to time by posting an updated version that is available to you.


4.5. Video release: CLIENT grants permission to have meetings now and in perpetuity videotaped and shared for the purposes of marketing, course delivery, training, safety, and for legal matters. CLIENT acknowledges that these recordings may be made available to current participants and to individuals who purchase or engage with the course in the future.


4.6 Hold harmless, non-disparagement, and intellectual property protection clauses:

In consideration of the services, information, and support I have received or will hereafter receive from River Ayla or any other Compassion Key Practitioners & Instructors, I hereby hold harmless River, Mr. Mannix (the founder of The Compassion Key), any and all Compassion Key Practitioners & Instructors, Truth & Compassion LLC, and any related entities from any and all liability in consequence of such services, information and support given, and I release and waive all claim for damage, as a result of such services, information and support. This release shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigned. I have read this waiver & release in its entirety before agreeing to it, and I understand its effect. I understand that I am waiving certain legal rights that I or my heirs, next of kin, executors or administrators otherwise may have had.


I understand and agree that the classes, training, facilitations, live calls and events, question and answer sessions, information, ideas, materials, methods, techniques, frameworks, worksheets, attachments, recorded materials and all related content taught and shared by River Ayla and any other Compassion Key Practitioners & Instructors in any format or setting (hereafter referred to as “The Information”) are designed for my own educational purposes only. I understand and agree that The Information contains copyrighted material and may include trade secrets and other intellectual property that is the sole property of River Ayla, Edward Mannix, the founder of The Compassion Key, and/or Truth & Compassion LLC, and that without specific written permission from the owner of copyrighted material and other intellectual property, The Information may not be reproduced in any manner in whole or in part and may not be shared in whole or in part in digital or non-digital format, in person or over the phone or in any other way with anyone else or in any public or private forums or groups now or in the future. I further understand and agree not to use any of The Information, including but not limited to The Compassion Key Mantra (phrases beginning with the words “I’m so sorry”) with other people or private clients until I have completed at least Level I Compassion Key Certification with Edward Mannix or another instructor he has officially authorized to teach Level I Compassion Key Certification. I understand and agree that if I do complete all of the requirements for Level I Compassion Key Certification that this certifies me to use The Information with individuals in a one-on-one setting only, and that I would need to complete additional certification programs with Edward Mannix or another instructor he has officially authorized to lead such additional certification programs before I am authorized to use The Information with groups of 2 or more people or in any other way other than using The Information in a one-on-one setting only. I further agree to refer to any parts of The Information related to The Compassion Key (including but not limited to The Compassion Key Mantra and sending compassion to wounded parts) as “The Compassion Key”, and I will not refer to it by any other name. I agree not to share or publish any writings about or summaries of any of The Information or teach any part of it to others in a group program or privately one on one or in any other setting or via any other means, live or recorded, without prior written permission from the owner of the specific parts of The Information I wish to share or teach, whether that be River Ayla, Edward Mannix or Truth & Compassion LLC. I agree if I wish to share or teach any of The Information, I will contact River Ayla and inquire if I need their permission and/or if I also need permission from Edward Mannix or Truth & Compassion LLC.

Governing law: This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in all respects in accordance with the laws of the United States of America.